Testimonies From Around The World

Total Restoration While Translating
A million thanks to our beloved and dear man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Thank you, Sir, for the word of God you shared with us every time; I am living proof that it works.
My testimony is about my health and healing received as I translated the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. A few days into the Program, I went to Thailand for the preparation of my translation work. Two days before that, I noticed my urine was with blood, and I went to see the doctor. I was advised to undergo a CT scan which showed I might have cancer due to the holes seen in my kidney from the scan. The doctor gave me some medications which I did not finish taking, as I never liked drugs. It was very tough for me because of the pain I experienced. In that situation, I remembered the word of God and what the man of God has taught us over time; I laid my hand on myself and declared the word of God boldly to my body.
I did not get to physically attend the Healing Streams in Nigeria, because my responsibility to translate the program came first. Glory to God, during the 3-day July edition of the Healing Streams, I was completely healed. Hallelujah! God is good!
Pastor Salisa Teo
Agape Ministry,
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