Testimonies From Around The World

My Superb And Splendid Life As A Translator
I am grateful to God Almighty for the influence and blessings the man of God Pastor Chris has bestowed upon preachers worldwide. I also thank Pastor Deola Philips, our Esteemed Director of the ISM.
Through the International School of Ministry (ISM) Online School, of which I am a member, I was introduced to the ISM Translation. I consider myself really blessed to have been granted this opportunity.It was my first-time taking part in the translations of a program with Pastor Chris, the Global Ministers Classroom to be precise, and it was truly a blessing. The experience I had during the translation, from the first minute to the last minute, was truly indescribable. I felt the anointing come on me, and in that moment, I had no natural need. I became so fluent in my speaking.
Just imagine 78 million ministers connected, that was so amazing. And this has had such a magnificent influence in my life. Ever since, I have been feeling so superb and splendid.
Pastor Alain Manioungui (French translator)
Impact Centre
Chretien, France
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