ISM Ministers Exploits


OVER 82 Ministers of the Gospel were recruited and introduced to our prolific network, and 3 new cells started the same day. Glorious testimonies of ISM Ministers present inspired the new Ministers to enrol themselves for online school, cell group, translation and prayer groups.

Special thanks to Our Man of God and highly Esteemed Director of the great ISM.


A recent event conducted by ministers of the International School of Ministry (ISM) in Ahmednagar Maharashtra, India captures the recruitment and induction of over 82 Ministers of the Gospel into the dynamic ISM network. On the same event, three new cells were birthed, marking further expansion of the ISM Global Cell Ministry and the network.

“The induction ceremony featured the sharing of glorious testimonies from ISM Ministers in attendance. The testimonies served as a source of inspiration for the newly recruited Ministers, prompting them to actively engage in various aspects of the ISM programs. As a result, a notable number of them expressed their interest in enrolling for the ISM Online School, participating in the ministers’ cell groups, contributing to the ISM translation initiatives, and joining the various ministers’ prayer groups.” This is remarkable!

This speaks volumes of the impact of the ISM and its effectiveness in fostering unity, oneness, and purpose among Ministers of the Gospel around the World. Indeed, the Church of God is marching on and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

“We want to use this opportunity to thank our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and the amazing Director of the ISM, Pastor Deola Phillips, for their exemplary leadership, guidance, and unwavering support.”

Evangelist Amrata Tirkey

God's Temple Trust Church, India

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